Books for Mongolia

We are collecting books for schools and libraries in Mongolia which have been set up at the initiative of Anita Fahrni. Please click here to read a letter from Anita with more info about the project - and some facts and figures!!

The following books in English are most sought after:

* works of fiction or non-fiction for children or adults
* text books (any subjects)
* dictionaries, thesaurus or grammar books
* self-teaching books (any academic subject)
* National Geographic (highly desirable!)

The books must be:
* in good condition
* not more than 10 years old
* not cookery books, self-help, religious, diet or keep-fit books

Our offices in Kt. Zug are a "collecting point" or we can arrange a pick up if you are without transport. If you are not in the Zug area we will find someone else to collect them from you.

if you are leaving Switzerland and want to reduce your container costs, or
if you are staying and you need space on your bookshelves, or
if you are a teacher and have access to old text books, or
if you are just an avid reader and would like to help a good cause
please let me know!

Thank you very much in advance for your help!


Tel: +41 41 783 16 80