Swiss Kits™
Orientation courses for expatriates & newcomers to Switzerland

Whether this is your first move to Switzerland or not, you'll find a mass of useful information on any one of our orientation courses.

Designed with you - and your busy schedule - in mind we are pleased to offer the following range of courses:

Essential Switzerland - a half-day, local orientation course packed with useful information about your immediate area. If you are short of time but need to know what's what and where's where this one is for you.

Survival Guide - a full-day all about living & working in Switzerland and everything that an international move involves. If you have a little longer to spare this is ideal for you.

Tailor-made courses - length and content are designed specifically to meet your needs. Ideal if neither of the above options is what you are looking for.

A few of the areas our courses cover:

* The Swiss and life in Switzerland * Your home and your family *
* Free-time and leisure * Making friends and meeting people *
* Shopping * Language schools *

Click here for more information


Tel: +41 41 783 16 80